Friday, September 13, 2019

Conflicts at Work: 5 Anger Management Techniques

Life in a society without conflicts, unfortunately, is impossible.

Skirmishes accompany a person throughout life. And this is normal. Conflicts are a natural manifestation of interpersonal relationships. Differences in needs, goals, values ​​- trigger for emotions.

Behavior in conflict situations is also different.

Remember, someone readily rushes into an argument. Others try to avoid negativity by any means, even to the detriment of personal interests.

When it comes to working relationships, it’s best to follow unspoken rules of conduct and keep emotions in check.

"Anger Management" is a valuable adult skill. But in a professional environment, it is especially appreciated. An advanced level of EQ * is much more beneficial for a career than a high IQ.

* EQ (emotional intelligence) - the ability of a person to understand, evaluate and respond to the emotions of an outsider, as well as manage his

For example, an employee with developed empathy will achieve a faster increase than his vicious colleague. Even provided that the second has more experience and knowledge.

So, how to become a master of the situation and take excessive emotionality under control - has prepared 5 techniques for dealing with conflict.

First of all, do not forget - you are at work. And then there is its own hierarchy, which must be adhered to even in the process of clarifying relations.

Method 1: neutralization
Feel that the temperature of the conversation is heating up - turn off the emotions. The main thing is not to lose your temper and continue to evaluate the situation.

Neutralize your opponent. Even if this is a conversation with your boss, leave the office for a while. Say that you don’t want to engage in dialogue in a raised voice, apologize and leave the territory of the conflict.

Take a walk around the office or wait a few minutes in the fresh air.

Method # 2: Switch
Started. The boss or colleague is already raising his voice and gaining emotional acceleration. Apply the first method did not work and you were face to face with the aggressor. In this case, psychologists advise using the sensory switching method.

Cough, accidentally drop an item or speak on an abstract topic. For example, complain about the terrible heat on the street. This will lead the instigator from an aggressive mood and make you change your tone.

Method 3: questions
The conflict is in full swing. Accusations are flying, and well-founded. In no case do not make excuses and do not shout back. Guilty - admit it. And then smooth out the situation with questions.

What to do, tell me what the mistake is, give advice ..., explain how ... and so on - polite questions about help will break the conflict pattern. Now you are not a “leaning” employee, but an employee who came for the advice of a manager — do you feel the difference?

Method number 4: I can not hear
The fourth technique is not applicable in the manual. Although it all depends on the relationship and limits of permissibility in the team.

A colleague is trying to hurt and hurt unflattering statements. "Professional brawler" provokes a public scandal.

Pretend you didn’t hear the taunts and calmly ask again. Such a development of events will perplex the aggressor and make us think once more about the appropriateness of statements.

Method number 5: the cup of the world
Do not forget around adults. More often the conflict is resolved by heart-to-heart conversation.

Invite a sworn colleague to a cup of tea or coffee. Find out what irritates him so much: looks, behavior, working moments. Listen to claims and try to find a way out.

In another case, agree not to incur personal dislike of the job.

Remember, the office is not a place for high-profile emotions and clarification of relationships. Disagreements at work affect the quality of the process as a whole and the result of an individual employee.

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